5 Must Know Salesforce SOQL Queries for Everyday Use

Here are the 5 Most Used Salesforce SOQL Queries:

Explanation of Each Query:

These are just a few examples, and you can modify them based on your specific needs. Remember to replace placeholders like “Type=’Customer'” or “Stage=’Open'” with your desired criteria.

  • Query 1: This retrieves all accounts identified as “Customers” within the “Type” field.
  • Query 2: This retrieves all opportunities currently in the “Open” stage.
  • Query 3: This searches for contacts with the last name containing “Smith” (use the wildcard “%” for partial matches).
  • Query 4: This identifies leads created within the last week using the LAST_WEEK function.
  • Query 5: This retrieves a list of active users based on the “IsActive” field.
  1. Find All Accounts of a Specific Type:

Code snippet

SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE Type = 'Customer'

Use code with caution

  1. List All Open Opportunities:

Code snippet

SELECT Id, Name, Amount, CloseDate FROM Opportunity WHERE Stage = 'Open'

Use code with caution

  1. Search for Contacts by Last Name:

Code snippet

SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Contact WHERE LastName LIKE '%Smith%'

Use code with caution

  1. Identify Leads Created in the Last Week:

Code snippet

SELECT Id, Name, CreatedDate FROM Lead WHERE CreatedDate >= LAST_WEEK

Use code with caution

  1. Get a List of Active Users:

Code snippet

SELECT Id, Username, LastLoginDate FROM User WHERE IsActive = TRUE

Use code with caution