Understanding the Loop: A Simple Explanation of (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)

Learn how a simple JavaScript loop works with this easy-to-follow explanation. We break down the code (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) and explore why it outputs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 when combined with setTimeout. Perfect for beginners!

Understanding the Loop: A Simple Explanation of (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)

If you’re new to programming or JavaScript, loops can seem a bit confusing at first. But don’t worry—they’re actually one of the most powerful and straightforward tools in coding! Let’s break down a common loop example step by step and understand how it works.

The Code in Question

Here’s the code we’ll be exploring:

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log(i); // Outputs 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
  }, 1000);

At first glance, this might look a little intimidating, but let’s simplify it.

What is a Loop?

A loop is a way to repeat a block of code multiple times. Instead of writing the same code over and over, you can use a loop to do the work for you. In this case, the loop runs a piece of code 5 times.

Breaking Down the Loop

Let’s dissect the loop line by line:

1. for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++)

This is the loop declaration. It has three parts:

  • Initialization (let i = 0): This sets up a variable i and gives it an initial value of 0. Think of i as a counter that starts at 0.
  • Condition (i < 5): This tells the loop when to stop. As long as i is less than 5, the loop will keep running.
  • Increment (i++): After each loop iteration, i increases by 1 (i++ is shorthand for i = i + 1).

2. setTimeout(function() { ... }, 1000)

This is the code inside the loop. setTimeout is a function that delays the execution of code. In this case, it waits 1000 milliseconds (1 second) before running the code inside it.

3. console.log(i)

This prints the value of i to the console. It’s what we’ll see as the output.

How the Loop Works

Let’s walk through what happens step by step:

  1. First Iteration (i = 0):
  • The loop starts with i = 0.
  • setTimeout schedules console.log(i) to run after 1 second.
  • The loop increments i to 1.
  1. Second Iteration (i = 1):
  • The loop checks the condition (i < 5). Since 1 < 5, it continues.
  • setTimeout schedules another console.log(i) to run after 1 second.
  • The loop increments i to 2.
  1. Third Iteration (i = 2):
  • The loop checks the condition (2 < 5) and continues.
  • setTimeout schedules another console.log(i).
  • The loop increments i to 3.
  1. Fourth Iteration (i = 3):
  • The loop checks the condition (3 < 5) and continues.
  • setTimeout schedules another console.log(i).
  • The loop increments i to 4.
  1. Fifth Iteration (i = 4):
  • The loop checks the condition (4 < 5) and continues.
  • setTimeout schedules another console.log(i).
  • The loop increments i to 5.
  1. Loop Ends (i = 5):
  • The loop checks the condition (5 < 5). Since this is false, the loop stops.

What Happens After 1 Second?

After 1 second, all the scheduled console.log(i) statements execute. Because we used let to declare i, each iteration of the loop has its own i value. This is called block scoping.

Here’s what gets printed:


Why Does This Happen?

  • Block Scoping with let: When you use let, the variable i is scoped to the block (inside the loop). Each iteration gets its own i, so the value doesn’t get overwritten.
  • Delayed Execution with setTimeout: Even though the loop runs quickly, the setTimeout function delays the console.log(i) by 1 second. By the time the logs execute, the loop has already finished, but the correct values are preserved.

What If We Used var Instead of let?

If you replace let with var, the output would be different:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  setTimeout(function() {
    console.log(i); // Outputs 5, five times
  }, 1000);

This happens because var is function-scoped, not block-scoped. By the time the setTimeout functions run, the loop has already finished, and i has reached 5.

Key Takeaways

  1. Loops are a way to repeat code without writing it multiple times.
  2. let ensures that each iteration of the loop has its own variable, thanks to block scoping.
  3. setTimeout delays the execution of code, which can lead to interesting behavior when combined with loops.
  4. Always use let or const instead of var to avoid unexpected bugs.

Try It Yourself!

Copy the code into your browser’s console or a code editor and run it. Experiment with changing the loop condition, delay time, or using var instead of let to see how the output changes.


Loops are a fundamental concept in programming, and understanding how they work is crucial for writing efficient code. By breaking down the example step by step, we’ve seen how a simple loop can produce powerful results. Keep practicing, and soon loops will become second nature to you!

Happy coding! 🚀